Адрес:222823 Минская область, e-mail:biohim.bel@gmail.com
Dye of universal use (for furniture and other articles made of wood).
Here is the method to use the given dye: The concentrate is to be mixed with some quantity of utility drinking water until the desired shade is reached. Then the mixture is to be applied to the surface, previously cleaned and prepared. The instrument can be a roller, a tampon or a brush. When used outdoors, this dye needs further alkyd, vinyl chloride or nitro lacquer coatings. The dye is easy to remove from the skin of the hands with water. Composition: - extract of vegetable humic substances; - water. Consumption: 80-100 grammes per square metre. Nominal volume: 0.5 - 1 litre. Expiry term: 2 years if stored at temperature 0 - plus 30 degrees Celsius scale. |