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 These fertilizers are an extract from peat with basic active substance being the gumic substances. These compounds represent a group of natural amorphous dark-coloured high-molecular acids united by the general type of a structure, formed as a result of complex biochemical processes at decomposition of organic substance of the died off plants. The structure of humic acids fluctuates over a wide range depending on the origin and the way of exhalation. These are the multifunctional organic acids of complex structure with ion exchanging, chelating, sorptive and many other chemical and physical-chemical properties.

The humic fertilizers have a wide scope of application. They can be used as agrochemicals, i.e. to restore a terrestrial cover of a lawn, improve soil structure promoting formation of steady crumbly structures, increase exchange capacity of soil, activate microbiological processes, making the use of mineral fertilizers more efficient alongside with increase in plant resistance to adverse conditions (drought, overmoistening, high and low temperatures, etc.). Application of the given fertilizers finally results in improved quality of agricultural products.

As components of organomineral fertilizers humic substances improve the quality of fruit, root formation, raise seed viability and plants immunity and have significant anti-disease and growth promoting effect. The rise in chlorophyll content prevents icterus, accelerates plants growth with reducing the level of nitrates accumulation in plant production and activates exchange processes in plants.


Also these fertilizers are compatible to all organomineral fertilizers, microelements and plant protectors. They have a prolonged period of action as may be accumulated in soil thus raising its fertility, and the effect of favorable influence on productivity and plant  resistance to various diseases remains for long period, even after phase-out. The efficiency is the greater the longer the fertilizers are used. One litre of the fertilizer makes it possible to have about 665 litres of a 0,01 % working solution. The fertilizers are easy to be applied and are effective both in large agricomplexes and housekeeping, on the open land, hotframes, greenhouses and for pot plants. Being water soluble with no deposit formation (as distinguished from some analogues) that enables to use them not only as top dressing at root watering, but also in the form of spraying or fine dyspersated cloud (in greenhouses or hotbeds) allowing the plant to uptake the fertilizer with all its surface.

Alongside with the basic active substance (humic acids) fertilizers contain such necessary and vital elements as: N (nitrogen), P (phosphorus), K (kalium) and others.


Tea spoon

Table spoon

Bottle cap

20 drops

4 ml

12 ml

6 ml

1 ml












2 ml per 200 ml water

Preseeding drench of seeds.

Increase in energy of germination and seeds viability, stimulation of growth and development.


3 ml per 3 l water

Watering sprouts 3-4 days after prickingout and 7 days prior to planting to the ground.


 Stimulation of growth and development.


10 ml per 10 l water

Watering and spraying plants every 7-10 days


Crop yield increase, growth and development stimulation, resistance to illnesses and stresses, productivity increase.


Spraying at  illness symptoms

Cucumbers in the open and closed ground


1 ml per 1 l water

Preseeding 24 hours

drench of seeds

Increase of energy of germination and seed, stimulation of growth and formation

1 ml per 1 l water

Watering in a phase of 1 - 2 and 3 - 4 leaves. The next - 10 - 15 days after planting to the ground .


Accelerates formation seed-buds, prevents their falling off

10 ml per 10 l water

Watering and spraying every 7-10 days

Crop yield increase, growth and development stimulation, resistance to illnesses and stresses, productivity increase.

Spraying at  illness symptoms


20 ml per 10 l water

Preplanting tubers treatment by the working solution, spraying in a phase of full shoots and budding

Стимуляция прорастания клубней, crop yield increase, improved yields


100 ml per 10 l water

Treatment of the root system

Increase in energy of germination and seeds viability, stimulation of growth and development.

20 ml per 10 l water


Crop yield increase, production upgrading

Red beet




1 ml per 1 l water

Preseeding 24 hours

drench of seeds

Increase in energy of germination and seeds viability, stimulation of growth and development.

10 ml per 10 l water

Watering in a phase of 2-4 leaves, a phase of budding and blossoming

Crop yield increase, growth and development stimulation, resistance to illnesses and stresses, productivity increase.


Cucumber sprouts

70 ml per 10 l water

The first non-root top dressing - 1 decade of May the next - 7 days after the first top dressing.


Stimulation of growth and development.


Tomato sprouts

90 ml per 10 l water

The first non-root top dressing - 3 decade of March the next - 7 days after the first top dressing

Stimulation of growth and development.


Cabbage sprouts

100 ml per 10 l water

The first non-root top dressing - 2 decade of April the next - 7 days after the first top dressing.

Stimulation of growth and development.


Flower annual, perennial, bulbous, corm plants


1 – 7,5 ml per 1 l water

Preseeding drench of seeds.

Enhance seed germination, stimulation of growth and development, stress and desease resistance, yield increase, enhancing ornamental qualities.

Watering and spraying plants.

Perennial grass

20 ml per 10 l water

Early spring watering, the following watering

Stimulation of growth and development.

Spring wheat and barley

2 ml per 1 l water

Preseeding treatment

of seeds. Spraying in a phase of tillering

Stimulation of growth and development, crop increase.

Fibre flax

2 ml per 1 l water

Spraying in a "fir-tree" phase

Stimulation of growth and development.

Ornamental hardy-shrub species

15 ml per 10 l water

Watering 10 days after sowing,  then with a 20 days interval

Enhance germination, stimulation of growth and development, stress and desease resistance, yield increase,  enhancing ornamental qualities


75 ml per 10 l water

The first watering in a phase of bud blooming. The next - with a 20 days interval

Stimulation of growth and development. Desease and stress resistance, yield increase

Lawn grass

15 ml per 10 l water

Watering 10 days after sowing,  then with a 20 days interval

Stimulation of growth and development.



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